
Bleak Spirit

Created by Chris Longhurst

A roleplaying game about exploring dangerous, melancholy places, and discovering how they came to be that way.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

October Update
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 12:05:34 AM


As promised, here's your update for October. Not much is new!

The Backerkit surveys are being filled in -- 81% done at the last count, which is a nice high percentage -- the art is being created, and I received the second round edits from Rebecca a couple of days ago. But all of these things are being done by people who aren't me, so apart from finalising the card layouts (see below) I've mostly been twiddling my thumbs as far as Bleak Spirit's concerned.

Fronts and backs of the special cards.

Of course I've not been wholly idle. I've been working on a big freelance job -- keep an eye out for Seventh Cross from Level 99 Games if you want to see more of my work -- and I wrote and published The One (a solo RPG about relationships in a weird fantasy city) if you feel like giving me even more of your money.

Anyway, that's all there is for now. I'll send another progress update in early November, but you'll likely hear from me before then because I'll be harping on about Backerkit surveys.


Backerkit Surveys Coming!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 05:25:44 PM


Since the Backerkit smoke test seems to have gone well, I'm going to launch the rest of the surveys right after I'm done writing this.

I hope to lock down the surveys right around the end of October, to give the printers time to produce everything for a January delivery date, so please fill 'em in just as soon as you can.



Backerkit Surveys... Soon
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 12:14:21 AM


Just a quick update to let you know that I'm going to be smoke-testing the Backerkit surveys as soon as I've finished this email, so if you get one please do fill it in -- and if you don't, that's fine, proper surveys will be coming later.

The October update will be coming along in a week or so. Spoilers: Not much has changed.

Oh! And if you're going to be at Tabletop Gaming Live this weekend, I'll be on or near the UK Indie RPG League stand for most of the weekend, and we're doing a panel talk about getting into RPGs on Saturday afternoon. I reckon most of you lot don't need any help getting into RPGs, but if you're at a loose end...



September Update
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 07:15:20 PM

Hello Bleak Spirit backers!

So, what have I been up to over the past month?

Mostly playing Fire Emblem and getting my daughter ready to start school, to be honest, but I have also managed to make progress on Bleak Spirit:

  • All the writing is now done, including the backer scenarios, and with Rebecca for a second editing pass.
  • All the KS backer art stuff is in, the briefs are written, and Galen's working on the first few pieces.
  • I've finished layout on the cards... but I'm not super-fond of what I've done so I might go back and redo them a bit.

And that's where we are right now. I'd say it's all looking good to be in your hands in January.

Unless Brexit and/or the collapse of our government lays waste to the UK economy. I've prepped for it, but God only knows what's going to happen come October 31st.

Fingers crossed, eh?


August Update
over 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 03:21:54 AM

Well, it hasn't quite been a month but I thought I'd update you all on how things are going. (I'm aiming for monthly updates.)

The money's now in my bank account (just shy of £10K after fees and failed payments) and I've spent a chunk of it on getting BackerKit set up. The surveys aren't quite ready yet but the pre-order store is open if you've got friends who want to get on the Bleak Spirit train.

(Existing backers don't need to use the pre-order store -- and in fact shouldn't, because you may end up paying twice.)

In other news Rebecca's returned the text to me after her first editing pass, I've emailed all the World and Wanderer level backers to get their input (if you're in that section and you haven't got my email, comment below!), and Big Gay Nerds have recorded a second session of Bleak Spirit which you can hear part one of here.

Expect another update in a month-ish, or when I have something interesting to share!

